Get Your Signed Copy of The Wedge

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For a limited time only I’m offering early readers of The Wedge a chance for a personalized signed copy of the before its official release date on April 13, 2020. These are collectors editions of the paperback and they will run a little more expensive than you will be able to find them on Amazon or other retailers—$30 with $5 for shipping. (On Amazon it’s $17.99 shipping usually included). I’ll mail them out from Foxtopus HQ in Denver in early April with a personalized note and a signature so you can be one of the first people to see a finished copy of the Wedge in print. The first 20 people will also receive an ebook-copy of the Wedge on for free.

Order your copy today at the Foxtoshop.

Unfortunately, this offer is only valid for people who live in the United States. Postage rate everywhere else in the world is an additional $25 (which, frankly, I think is crazy and I recommend simply forging my signature). However, if you DO live abroad and really want a copy send me an email and we can work it out.

Scott Carney2 Comments