Why YouTube is the best social media platform

Remember when you could have a great idea that you wanted to share with the world and you could simply post it onto any one of a half-dozen social media platforms and expect some sort of conversation to organically sprout out into the world?  Maybe there would be some likes. Maybe some comments and genuine conversation?

Yeah, well, those times are dead. 

If you're like me you've noticed that social media is pretty terrible now. Our feeds aren't only inundated by ads, but posting isn't nearly as powerful as it was only a few months ago.  What happened, you ask? 

Well, a few things: Facebook stopped being able to track your every move when Apple cut off their automatic tracking portals, forcing them to dilute the feeds on Facebook and Instagram with ads. TikTok stopped promoting new users, and retrenched. Meanwhile Twitter started diversifying its product with clubhouse knockoffs, rooms and other things that I don't quite understand.

The only social media service that is even a semblance of its former-self is YouTube.  So that's where I'm going to be putting my efforts going forward.  Check out my video to understand why. 

Scott Carney